Page 5 - Revista Boom XV
P. 5

Give          Your           Life        a        While  the  journey  may  not

         Purpose:  The  Key  to                            always be smooth, love and
         Emotional Well-Being                              gratitude  can  make  a  world
                                                           of  difference.  Be  grateful  for

         Now  more  than  ever,                            what  you  have—your  family,
                                                           your  friends,  and  even  the
         we  need  to  talk  about                         challenges                that          have
         mental  health.  Why?                             shaped                 you.             Every

         Because                             your          experience,  good  or  bad,  is
         emotions,                  thoughts,              part of your story and makes

         and actions shape your                            you  unique.  Show  love  to
         experience                 of         life.       those  around  you,  be  an
         Mental  health  isn’t  just                       example  of  kindness,  and

         about                       avoiding              remember  that  you  have
         problems—it’s                    about            something  special  to  offer

         thriving  despite  them.                          the world.
         It’s                             about

         understanding                       your
         feelings,                managing

         stress,          and         forming
         healthy             relationships.
         Yes,  there  will  be  days

         when  you  feel  low,  but
         what  matters  is  how

         you           handle              those
         moments.  Learn  from
         them,          grow          through

         them, and always keep
         moving forward.

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