P. 20
A Christmas Show to
By: Gustavo Obando
After about three years, our school Additionally, it was a time to reflect
community had the opportunity to on the importance of Christmas and
gather together and celebrate a the values that it involves, from
Christmas Show. From beginning to family to friendship values such as
end, it was a magical night, full of solidarity and generosity. At the end,
color, music and joy. The different the public could enjoy free meals
classes prepared their specific events, prepared by each of the classes and
where the main one was the play “The were offered to the attendant.
Grinch”, making reference to that Once more, the behavior was
famous character who initially hated outstanding and the students as well
this time of year, and then changed. as the parents had a moment to
The other events were dances and remember, a memorable night. We
Christmas carols, where the students are just waiting for the next one to
showed their artistic skills in amazing come!
performances with their parents as
part of the audience. .